It seems that Jenna Ortega’s title character in the hit series Wednesday will be without at least one of her love interests when the second season premieres on Netflix. According to sources, Percy Hynes White’s character, Xavier Thorpe, has allegedly been written out of the show. Netflix has not confirmed the news.
The report of White’s exit comes nine months after he was accused by someone online who said the actor got her drunk at a party in Toronto and sexually assaulted her.
White denied the allegations and posted a statement on social media, calling the accusations a “campaign of misinformation” aimed at him.
“The rumors are false,” White wrote. “I can’t accept the portrayal of me as someone bigoted or criminally negligent of people’s safety. These are the kind of baseless, harmful claims that can create mistrust toward victims.”
In June, Hynes White’s father, actor and novelist Joel Thomas Hynes, posted support for his son online, referring to him as “wrongly accused.”
“If publicly offering my support for my kind and gentle, massively talented son equates to me throwing myself to the wolves – so be it, come what may,” his father wrote.
Around that same time, Ortega was quoted by Variety talking about the second season of Wednesday and how she was excited about the series going in a different direction.
“It’s still coming together, but we’ve decided we want to lean into the horror more,” she said. “We’re ditching any romantic love interest, which is really great.”
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