During a concert in Las Vegas on Saturday (September 16), Adele embraced her inner Latina when a pair of fans made sure she knew it was Mexican Independence Day.
The English singer-songwriter was walking down the aisle at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace singing her 2015 hit “When We Were Young” when two men in the audience caught her attention.
When Adele walked up to them, one of the men gave her a traditional Lelé doll (Mexican rag doll) dressed in a deep purple and white outfit and holding a small Mexican flag. He also placed a colorful headband on her head while she sang.
The other man handed Adele a full-sized Mexican flag, which she took and draped on her back like a fútbol star would if their team won the World Cup. The first man then reached out to her and they shared a big hug. He told her “Gracias” after.
As Adele walked away with her gifts, the men were beside themselves and could not believe what just happened. One of the security guards accompanying Adele winked at them, a likely sign that their gesture was well received by the Grammy winner.
Plenty of social media users were ecstatic to see their favorite covered in Mexican regalia. “Seeing Adele-ita wrapped in the Mexican flag…Priceless!” one person wrote. Another wrote, “You crowned the queen of all queens.”
Wouldn’t it be great if Adele joined a Latina singer in the recording studio sometime soon? Or if she recorded a song in Spanish?
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