Based on her 2018 song “I Like It,” we all know Cardi B likes things like diamonds and Balenciagas, but will she end up liking fiery chicken wings?
We’ll find out when Cardi B makes an appearance on an episode of YouTube’s Hot Ones this week. In the same song, she describes herself as a “spicy mami,” so we’re hoping that means she can handle her hot sauce.
For those who aren’t familiar with Hot Ones, it’s a talk show series that features celebrities sitting down for an interview with host Sean Evans during which both the host and the guest partake in a spicy chicken wing lineup. The “Wings of Death” increase in heat as the interview goes on.
Cardi B’s episode will mark the second one in the show’s 22nd season. Hot Ones has featured some talented Latines during that time, including Anitta, Pedro Pascal, Jenna Ortega, and Salma Hayek.
If Cardi B makes it through all 10 wings, the final wing she will eat will be covered in a hot sauce made from Pepper X, which is considered to be the hottest pepper in the world and tops the Scoville Heat Unit at 3.18 million.
Maybe the acronym for Cardi B’s hit song “WAP” can be changed to Wings Are Picantes after this week.
Watch Cardi B on Hot Ones on Thursday (September 28) at 11 a.m. ET by going to the Hot Ones YouTube channel, @FirstWeFeast.
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