Home Travel What did St Ignatius do in Manresa, Montserrat and Barcelona?

What did St Ignatius do in Manresa, Montserrat and Barcelona?

What did St Ignatius do in Manresa, Montserrat and Barcelona?


Saint Ignatius arrived to the Monastery of Montserrat attracted by the fame of its statue of the Virgin of Montserrat – it wasn’t unusual that pilgrims would stop in significant religious sites on their way. His pilgrimage had taken him first to another Catalan town, probably Igualada with an important textile tradition (but some state it was Lleida instead), where he purchased a pilgrim dress – basically a very humble monk habit made of sack fabric, and a pair of espadrilles. Once in Montserrat he found a confessor, Father Xanon, and he spent 3 days with him confessing his sins and receiving counseling.


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